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Month: April 2021

Booth Update and Latest Cards

Booth Update and Latest Cards

I’ve seriously missed my goal of doing a weekly blog post.  So, in an effort to catch up I’m combining a few intended posts about cards I’ve completed and the latest activity at my little booth at the Touch of Country Mall.

Based on the cards that sold the first few weeks at my booth I was thinking maybe holidays would be “the thing”.  So I had a nice batch of Mother’s Day cards done and ready to go.  I put them out at the booth earlier this month along with a few collectibles – tea cups and saucers, milk glass pieces, etc.  All things that would pair nicely with a Mother’s Day card.

Keeping with the holiday theme, I spent a week or so working on Father’s Day cards.  I want to have them ready to put out right after Mother’s Day.  Here’s a look at a few of those cards.

I’m also planning to swap out a few of the collectibles for things that have a more “Father’s Day” feel to them.  So far I have a couple vintage booklets from Ford Motor Company, some glass insulators and some vintage bottles.  I’m still figuring out what may interest the people shopping at my booth.  I definitely don’t want my display space to become stagnant so I’ve been brainstorming ways to keep the booth interesting for upcoming seasons and holidays.

In addition to the Father’s Day cards, I also made a few more general cards (Birthday, Baby, etc.) to replace those that have sold in the booth.  I really like how the baby boy card turned out.

Since I don’t know yet what cards will get the most interest, I don’t want to only focus on holidays.  With that in mind, I pulled several sheets of paper from the Authentique Seafarer 12×12 paper pad.  It is a beautiful red, white and blue nautical themed collection.  Instead of adding sentiments to the cards, I kept them blank only adding stamped images and embellishments.  The ship and lighthouse images are from a couple different stamps sets.  For several of the cards I also added red, blue or gingham ribbon.  I planned to put a few individual cards in my booth but after looking at the cards I think a set would also be a nice idea.

I ended up making over 30 cards which would be too many to put in my booth.  I continue to participate in the Cards for Soldiers program so any of the extra cards will be donated.

I’m still debating about making high school and college/university graduation cards.  If I do, I’ll need to get going on these soon as I should have them at the booth in the next week or two.  I think it will all depend on whether I have paper to match the school colors.

Adventure Update

Adventure Update

I’m disappointed that I’ve not been keeping up with my goal of a weekly blog post but…  At least for the last couple of weeks I can say it’s because I’ve been working on “stuff” for my little booth at the Touch of Country Mall.

I was very excited that several cards were purchased the first week the booth was open.  Since I wasn’t sure what people would be interested in buying I had only made a few Easter cards for the booth.  When I saw that most of the Easter cards had sold, I got busy and made a few more cards.  It’s only been a couple weeks but it looks like holiday cards might get the most interest.  So, for the last 2 weeks I’ve been busy making Mother’s Day cards which I’ll be taking to the booth this week.  Here’s a sneak peek of some of the cards.

I’ve also been busy making a few sets of 4-5 cards.  The first couple sets are initial note cards with each card using the same design/layout but in different colors.  I wasn’t sure what initials to do, so I did a quick search on Google for the most common first names.  I’ve also done a couple sets with each card featuring a cute coffee theme sentiment.

I’ve also been thinking about other items that I can include in the booth.  A few extra card making supplies like paper, stamps or ribbon will be easy enough to hang on the chicken wire display, but other items will require shelf space.  So, I enlisted my husband to make a simple 4-5 shelf display.  I helped with the painting and staining, but he did all the real work.

I’m planning to add a few small “collectibles” like vintage cups and saucers or maybe some depression glass to the booth.  They are nice by themselves, but I think pairing one of the coffee themed card sets with a vintage cup & saucer would be a cute gift.

I’ll see how the Mother’s Day cards do.  I might need to make a few more, but for now I’m getting started on Father’s Day and Graduation cards.