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Month: March 2024

Spellbinders Feeling Hoppy Card Kit, Again

Spellbinders Feeling Hoppy Card Kit, Again

I still had the Feeling Hoppy kit out and decided to make a couple more cards  This time focusing on non-Easter cards.  The kit included several sheets of spring color papers and floral ephemera, perfect for general sentiment spring cards.

The first card uses a fun mix of pattern paper.  The background paper, the busiest print, is toned down by the gingham and green papers used for the focal panel.  A border punch was used to create the scallop strip across the card.  A couple floral and “ticket” die cuts, a Happiness sticker and a few gemstones finish the card.

For the next card I picked out a few die cuts with coordinating colors – navy blue and bright green.  The 3 pieces were a bit small on their own.  Adding the turquoise/white flower and placing everything on the turquoise doily die cut created the perfect focal image.  A Love from Lizi peel-off separates the pattern papers and brings in a bit more of the gold from the die cuts and gemstones.

I wasn’t planning to make more Easter cards but…  There was 1 strip of the blue egg paper left so I decided to finish off the Easter specific paper.  I paired it with the purple gingham paper and added a punched border for separation.  A few die cuts, gemstones and a polka dot bunny sticker completed the card.

These cards “finished” the kit.  There is still some ephemera and a couple sheets of paper left, but I can now consolidate everything into a smaller container and free up space in my craft room.  So I can buy more fun supplies.

Spellbinders Feeling Hoppy Card Kit

Spellbinders Feeling Hoppy Card Kit

Well…  I started the year with 2 posts each month but have completely dropped the ball in March.  In an effort to catch up a bit I’m going with some short and sweet posts that are mainly pictures and product info.

I’ve used this Spellbinders kit before and as with most of their older version card kits there was more than I could possibly use in a single card making session.  There was still quite a bit of Easter specific elements and with Easter coming up I decided to focus on those pieces.

For card one, I selected paper and ephemera pieces that matched the colors in the “Happy Easter” sentiment die cut.  I used the included die set to create the background for the butterflies and the gold flowers sprinkled around the card.

Card two is all about the paper and ephemera.  To keep the bunny and egg from blending into the background, I placed them inside the gold oval created with the included die set.

Card three used some of my favorites – the purple gingham paper and the cute egg carton.  The hearts and additional sentiment were stickers included in the kit.

Card four is all about the ephemera – die cuts, stickers and gemstones.  The carrot paper, a busy design in muted colors, was the perfect background for all of the ephemera.

I think the cards are all quite cute and I used up quite a bit of the Easter specific items.