Recollections Doughnuts 12 x 12 Paper

Recollections Doughnuts 12 x 12 Paper

Instead of pulling out several sheets of paper I decided to use just 2 sheets.  I wanted to work on something that I could finish in a single crafting afternoon.

After rummaging through the miscellaneous paper draw, I settled on a doughnut print paper that I had picked up on clearance at Michael’s.  I’m not a huge doughnut fan but I really liked all the bright colors and figured I would have no problem finding something to pair with it.  I decided on a green, yellow and blue “stripe”.  To keep the cards light and bright I used light green and bright blue cardstock for all of the matting and green and blue ink for the stamped sentiments.

I decided to make 2 cards using as many different layouts as the paper allowed.  To get started I cut background panels from the striped paper.  I added a 1 1/2 inch wide strip of light green cardstock and a 2 3/8 x 4 1/4 inch panel of the doughnut paper.   The sentiment is stamped in Memento Bahama Blue ink.  Everything is matted on the bright blue cardstock.

The next set of cards used the striped paper and the light green cardstock as the background.  I usually like to put something (matting, Love from Lizi peel-off, ribbon…) over the seam of 2 papers but since very little of the seam would show once the other panels were added I decided to skip it.  The doughnut panel is 2 1/2 by 5 1/4 inches and the sentiment circle is about 2 inches in diameter.  The sentiment is stamped in Memento Pear Tart ink.

For the next 2 cards I looked for a sketch that would use up some of the smaller pieces of the striped paper.  I wanted to keep the focus on the striped paper and the sentiment so I matted those with the bright blue cardstock.  The sentiment is from the Ranger Letter It Encouragement stamp set and is stamped in Memento Bahama Blue ink.

For the last 2 cards I used up the rest of the striped paper for the background.  I didn’t have enough of the bright blue cardstock left so matted everything in the light green.  I like the “softer” look of the light green matting but was surprised how much color just that little bit of blue matting had added to the other cards.  The sentiment is from another Ranger Letter It stamp set, Occasions, and is stamped in Memento Pear Tart ink.

I ended up making 8 cards and using up all but small scraps of the striped paper.  There was still a bit of the doughnut paper left but I’ll just put it with the other sheets of doughnut paper and save it for later.

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