Valentine Fun Foam and Stickers

Valentine Fun Foam and Stickers

I purchased a Michael’s grab bag a few months ago hoping to get some of the paper, stamps and washi tape I had seen other people getting in their grab bags.  No such luck for me.  I ended up with a lot of kids crafts – fun foam, stickers, pom pom kits, etc.

I’m not usually a fan of stickers and I’ve never used fun foam, but I decided to try some of the grab bag supplies on cards.  It turns out that several of the sticker sets coordinated with a Valentine paper pad I already have.  And, since the organization where I donate my cards has started collecting Valentine cards, it was good timing.

The sticker packages had both “flat” and dimensional stickers.  The package of fun foam included a ton of pieces with several heart designs and a few sentiments.

In addition to the fun foam and stickers, I used some Love from Lizi peel-offs and washi tape for embellishment.  Several of the fun foam pieces were multi-part where the heart images could be “punched out” and used separately.

One of the sticker packages had a lot of square stickers with fun Valentine sentiments.  The size of the stickers made them perfect to use with this Operation Write Home card sketch.

For this card I used both flat and dimensional stickers.

Here I “backed” the foam hearts with a piece of printed paper which made the “punched out” areas more of a focal point.

So far I’ve made 60+ cards and still have a lot of supplies.  I’m a bit overloaded on pink and purple and think I’ll move on to something different for a change.

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