Spellbinders Around the World Card Kit

Spellbinders Around the World Card Kit

This batch of cards was created using Spellbinders August 2020 card kit – Around the World.  I had used the kit before and still had plenty of epherema to use up.  The goal was to use as much of the ephemera as possible without being too over the top.

I decided to try a “structured” collage look for the first card.  Instead of overlapping the different pieces of ephemera I loosely aligned the pieces leaving some of the background visible.  I started by grouping the ephemera by color and by mixing the pink and aqua ephemera pieces was able to come up with a layout that I liked.  It did take a bit of auditioning to select pieces that included a nice mix of shapes and sizes.  To give the piece some dimension, I also popped up a couple of pieces like “Sydney” and “Tokyo”.  I’m sure this style won’t appeal to everyone, but as I tend to lean more towards the clean, linear look this worked really well for me.

In fact, I liked the first card so much I decided to do another collage piece.  This time I focused on blue and peach ephemera pieces.  Instead of a white background I used a blue tone-on-tone map print which matched the color and theme of the ephemera.  Including pieces with different profiles (zig zag edge on the map, rounded edge on the pins) as well as paper die cut and chipboard pieces make the layout more interesting.  Popping up a couple pieces, like the map and suitcase, added some dimension.

The focal panel on the last card features a more traditional definition of collage.  Here I selected several pieces of ephemera and overlapped them on a circle focal panel.  To keep it interesting, I trimmed the map but allowed the elephant feet and trunk to extend beyond the circle.  I added a few tags cut from pattern paper and the simple “Vacay” sentiment.

As the kit includes 2 of each die cut piece, I was able to make doubles of each card.  With the first 2 cards using about 10 ephemera pieces per card I used up quite a bit of ephemera.  There is still plenty left, but I did use enough to consolidate everything into a smaller container.  Yay!

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